Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 8

Smoothie: Endive, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, rhubarb, orange juice (not from concentrate), banana, agave nectar
4 Veggie nuggets
Salad: endive, spring mix, spinach, tomatoes, red onion, pumpkin seeds
Cliff energy bar
Boca burger on whole wheat with Veganaise, sprouts, moz cheese, tomato
Taco soup (beans, tomatoes, chiles, avocado, fake sour cream, etc)
Thinking about an avocado/banana/chocolate smoothie in the near future...

A bit of babywearing but no walking since my walking partner woke up late this morning


Not a huge fan of endive in a salad, but it was great in the smoothie. This morning's smoothie, with orange juice, was yummy! I was thinking of adding an orange but am worried about too much fresh fruit making it into fruit puree again...I'd already put 2 bananas I put some OJ, which is Tropicana all natural, not from concentrate, with Vitamin D and all that. I loooove it, and it made my smoothie delish! Once again, I drank two big glasses (I'd guess 20-something ounces) and it held me over for about 3 hours. I had a bit too much fake meat today...must make more of my own food!! Although fake meat sure is an easy, low fat way to get a bunch of protein, that's for sure.

Missed my walk on the beach today, but am looking forward to getting some exercise tomorrow morning, if it's not too terribly hot.

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