Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 6


HUGE Green smoothie: Kale, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apple
Chick Fil A (!) chicken nuggets, waffle fries, sweet tea
Pistachio/walnut/pecan/almond/dried cranberry mix
Tofu salad
Small spinach salad with Braggs/sesame oil/sesame seed dressing
Grilled mahi mahi with roasted red pepper pesto
Creamy mashed cauliflower

A few walks around apartment complex while wearing baby, totalling 2 hours


Today I purposefully broke my diet...I had a mom meetup at Chick Fil A, and alas, there is just really nothing 'green' to have there. I could've had a salad, which would've been mostly iceberg lettuce, and I don't like their dressing, and I wouldn't have been full, and yet I would've spent a bunch. So I went in knowing I was going to break my diet, and here's how that's different from past diets: in the past, when I was on a diet, I was constantly feeling the pull of every piece of food I saw. I would usually give in to the craving, and then I would say, "Well, this day is ruined. Might as well eat what I want today and start over tomorrow." Today, I said to myself, "I will eat fast food for lunch, but I will still do my green smoothie in the morning, I will still walk, I will eat healthy the rest of the day." And I did! I even made a really healthy homemade meal for dinner, and made sure that my snacks were less carby/processed, and I took a few walks throughout the day, voluntarily, all on my own (during the week, sometimes I drag myself out of bed to walk only because I feel accountable to the friend I walk with, but I end up glad that I went any way.) I feel like I'm really learning self discipline, and learning to enjoy eating good foods.

I had 2 full glasses of smoothie today, and felt really full for about 3 hours. Even when I felt hungry, it wasn't the knawing, sick hunger that I usually feel in the morning. I also found that I wasn't craving sweets at all today--a first for me! I watched someone at Chick Fil A eat a cookies n cream shake (my fave!) and didn't even seriously consider getting one myself. I really think this was because I got plenty of (good, natural) sugars from the fruit.

I still need to drink more water. I also need to focus on finding more snacks that aren't starchy, because right now Wheat Thins and Kashi waffles are my go-to. I've been scouring the internet but it seems my choices are either something starchy or fruit or meat...I don't want starchy, I don't want to eat more meat (and am contemplating becoming a veg again--actually, I know I will, I just don't know when since I'm being lazy about it), and I'm already eating a TON of fruit in the morning. I also am not big on raw veggies unless they are in a salad. I think like a lot of other things in this diet, I just need to force myself to try stuff. Any ideas for snacks? Quick, easy things? Things I can eat on the go? Things that don't require a microwave, since I don't own one? Any or all of the above would be appreciated, all 3 of my readers!

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