Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 2

Didn't get a chance to update yesterday and I'm in a rush today so this will be quick.

Green smoothie (spinach, grapes, mango, papaya, kiwi, pineapple, orange, banana)
Mixed greens, spinach, bell pepper, red onion, tomato salad w/ a French vinaigrette dressing
Sesame seed tofu
1 oz dark organic chocolate
Creamy pumpkin soup
Shake (banana, chocolate Instant breakfast, avacado, soymilk)

None! I'm in terrible pain from doing my 'test' for the 200 program. The program recommends you wait a week after the initial test to actually start, which I originally thought was kinda silly, but now I see why...Cody and I both have been groaning every time we get up or sit down or have to bend down, haha.


I feel really good. As you see, I gave in to my chocolate today, but I only ate 1/3 of the candy bar I bought, and it was dark chocolate, organic, so not as much sugar and not as processed. Also, the reason I gave in was because I didn't eat anything from 3 pm until dinnertime, because I went to the store after work....I think I need to plan to always have food on me, so I'm not tempted to eat something I shouldn't! I did better at not eating processed foods yesterday, as everything I ate I made myself. I also didn't exercise, which I'm not going to feel too bad about since I'm still in a lot of pain from Sunday's workout. I want to start out when I have a full week to do it, so even though I feel better today and will be 100% by tomorrow, I'll probably wait until next week to officially start. It's a 6 week program so doesn't entirely coincide with the 30 days, just was good timing. The truth is that I wear a baby for at least an hour a day, usually more, so I think that's a pretty good workout...she's getting heavy!! I also do a lot of walking and moving every day in general. I may not be doing a target workout but I am being active.

I have still been getting hungry after my smoothies, so I think I'm going to need to start actually eating breakfast. I like starting my day out with a bunch of fruits and veggies though, so I will continue to do that in the morning and then try to come up with a less carby, healthy alternative to the bagel/cereal that I usually do mid-morning.

Still pretty proud of myself for eating so healthy, for trying new things, and for staying so active. I'll update tonight about my day today.

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